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Posted By: Parasevic
Date: August 21, 2008
Ask if you me answers,only in English or German thanks
Powjelitjel'nizy i gentlemen, moj wopros, moj otjez Peter Parasevic idut born do 24. 06. 1922 w Baranovitchi prischlo allegedly kak studjent s jego kusjenom Peter Stegmann prinjesjennym 1923 w Lyakhovichi k Gjermanii. Po mjerje togo kak wojna 1939 break out smoglo oba niskol'ko dlinnjego back into homeland. Moj otjez umjer 1990, kotor on goworil tol'ko wsjegda jego on wsje jeschtschje brat'ja i sjestry imjel w Baranovitchi. Ja dolshny tjepjer' look for et tschljeny sjem'i Parasevic. Bjelisna ii1 tschto moj grandfather Aljeksandr Parasevic ot Kiew prischjel do 09. 08. 1897 byli prinjesjeny. Moj tschjelowjek schtangi Lydia babuschki prischjel ot Baranovitchi i stal do 08. 09. 1899 born. Samushjestwo moih grandparents bylo sakrytoje 1917. S look for poworoty tschjelowjeka schtangi is zjelogo njeskol'ko ljegko, tam sdjes' imjenami wpuskajut budut Frasina i Valentina Elter bylo wyswano Ywan i anna, kotor ono shilo w Lyakhovitchi. Moj wopros kak moshjet I tschto-to nad roshdjeniom mojego otza i swoih brat'jew i sjestjer polutschit', tschto snalo wokrug dlja togo tschtoby prodwinut' s moim issljedowanijem dlja togo tschtoby prijti. Po wosmoshnosti budjet baptismal rjegistr ili rjegistr zjerkow goroda ili munizipalitjeta moj otjez prawowjernyj byl tam. Spasibo sa waschu pomoschtsch'. Priwjetstwije ot Gjermanii richard Parasevic
Ladies and Gentlemen, my question, my father Peter Parasevic goes by born to 24. 06. 1922 in Baranovitchi came allegedly as a student with his cousin Peter Stegmann born 1923 into Lyakhovichi to Germany. As the war 1939 did not break out could both any longer back into the homeland. My father died 1990 it spoke only always of it which it still brothers and sisters had in Baranovitchi. I am now to look for this members of the family Parasevic. I white that my grandfather Alexander Parasevic from Kiew came and to 09. 08. 1897 were born. My grandmother Lydia bar man came from Baranovitchi and became to 08. 09. 1899 born. The marriage of my grandparents was closed 1917. With look for bar man turns out the whole somewhat more easily, there here the names admits are Frasina and Valentina the Elter were called Yvan and Anna it lived in Lyakhovitchi. My question is as can I something over the birth of my father and its brothers and sisters get to know around further with my research to come. Possibly there is a baptismal register or a church register of a city or a municipality my father orthodox was there. Thanks for your assistance. Greeting from Germany Richard Parasevic
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